Where the Streets Have No Name
Their streets do have names; we just don't know what they are. Can you help us find these people?
Lisa Ambert (Pictured here with a guy whose name I don't know)
Shari Baker (She had a sister in the class of 89, I think)
Lauren Biersner
Cynthia Binder
Denell Blackwell
Rebecca Blake (An earlier post had a photo of her)
Mike Bolander (We called a couple numbers with no success)
Benny Bruce (Isn't he in Slidell? Do you know where?)
Nick Bruno
Tammy Bryant
Ryan Buford (I've left messages with numbers I found online to no avail)
Invitations hit the mail in a week. We have to pay some money to the Gallery in a month. Can you believe that 2006 is speeding along like this? Do you know that I have less than 3 months to lose 70 pounds and to let my 7 facial piercings grow over?
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